Student Success from a Student’s Perspective

Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow’.
— Mary Anne Radmacher

Elliot Delfosse provides tips and ideas for students to succeed in college.

Elliot Delfosse joins me for a discussion around college success from a student’s perspective. Elliot grew up in Madison, WI and is a junior majoring in chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Throughout the video, Elliot talks about how he thought about college as he progressed through high school, including taking AP courses and enrolling in dual enrollment (DE) courses at UW-Madison. Elliot demonstrates how he self-advocates and becomes not only aware of campus resources but also how to utilize them to his benefit. These are lifelong skills that will serve Elliot well. I hope you enjoy listening to our discussion.

Elliot’s Pro-tip: “It’s good to stress a little. As long as you are hopeful and optimistic for the future you’ll be okay.”

Thanks for joining me, Elliot!

Be Boundless.


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